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At Heart Lifeline Int'l we have been touched by the scourge of human trafficking in our world. We work with friends around the world fixed on prevention, rescue and recovery from the experience of human trafficking. We also work at government levels with national leaders to inspire strong and courageous leadership, at the United Nations in Geneva, and with emerging leaders passionate to see justice for all people.

Commerical Sexual Exploitation of Children

Forced Labor +

Labor Exploitation

Adult Sex Trafficking

Fastest Growing Crime in the World


Vulnerable Children around the world are often sexually exploited. They are sold and violently assaulted and we are compelled to do something to rescue them. Aren't you?Accurate estimates of the numbers of children affected are difficult to obtain because of the hidden nature of this crime but some estimate more than 300,000, children alone.

Estimates indicates that about 60% of all human trafficking consists of forced labor.  These workers are found in many industries including agriculture, factories,, construction, service industry, fishing, bars and clubs, and domestic service. They are often tricked into believing they are obtaining a legitimate job for proper pay.

Millions of young adult and adult women and men are caught in the underworld of this horrific crime. They are taken, lured and/or trapped by false promises, sold by family members or 'friends'., and robbed of their dignity.

Through force, fraud or coercion they are victimized into sexual bondage.

An estimated 40 million people are enslaved in the world today and the total illicit profits may exceed $150 billion. The profits from drugs has rivaled the profits from the 'sale' of a human being 10-20 times a day by gangs, Individuals, networks, and organized crime.

We are restoring lives and inspiring champions to end human trafficking through our network.
This is our strategy..



Through our network, we are rescuing children, providing shelter and recovery, and assisting and training leaders to interdict trafficking. We are influencing policy in nations, ,working with business,, government,and a wide array of community resources to interrupt the victimization of vulnerable children and adults.

These crimes of violence bring severe trauma and  we are working with survivors and partners who are building these precious lives for success and prosperity in all they do...going forward. We believe in the God-given resilience of the human spirit to fully recover from the most vicious assault.



We believe that awareness and education creates a natural boundary against trafficking and those who would use or exploit other people, so we provide training to medical personnell, hospitals, schools, government agencies, law enforcement and  community groups in a variety of contexts.

Through our partners we are engaged in teaching intervention awareness and strategies and activities to bring freedom to children, and adults caught in trafficking in the U.S. and abroad. Our investigative experience has provided keen insight and strategies to recovering those trapped in this horrific crime.

Let's join together to bring freedom.

Thanks for stopping by and visiting our website!

We are in New Jersey, California and the Seattle WA area.

PO Box 1545

Bothell, WA. 



National Center for Missing and Exploited Children 1-800-843-5678|


National Human Trafficking Resource Center | 1-888-373-7888 or text BeFree to  (233733)

National Runaway Switchboard:



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