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Human trafficking is perhaps the greatest evil of our time, a horrific crime which devastates and traumatizes the young, innocent, poor, troubled and  vulnerable, including children, both girls and boys, robbing them of their innocence, dignity, respect and humanity.


"We can give them back their lives and destiny as we come together and join our hearts and hands to provide for them." Donna Hart


At Heart Lifeline Int'l we are building a network both in the US and in several other countries at the governmental levels to develop and enhance national strategies to end human trafficking and at the local levels to address the need for strong, committed law enforcement, safe places, employment and income generation. We are continually developing new strategies to address the challenges. Let's join together to end this modern day slavery.

We Partner
"This global partnership will be guided in its work by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, that luminous living document that enshrines the rights of every child without exception to a life of dignity and self-fulfillment.”
- Nelson Mandela   (Nobel Peace Prize)

We are in a unique position to work with governmental leaders around the world. Our Founder's position as a former U. S. government official gives her first hand insight into the challenges that face government leaders. This awesome responsibility of public service requires wisdom, courage and collaboration. Here at Heart Lifeline Int'l we are working closely with government leaders to bring assistance on many levels.On the local level too we are committed to promoting a culture of honor and collaboration with others who are working to make a better world, especially for the most vulnerable. 

We love to encourage the good work of others in this worldwide effort to end human trafficking in prevention, rescue, restoration and partnership! We believe it 'takes a village' and with our hearts united to see this evil end, we can change our world. Will you join to make a difference? Every effort small or large is important as we fight the good fight, so children, women and men can be safe from the violence and oppression of forced labor and sexual exploitation.

We Restore

We are deeply committed to the restoration of lives and hearts devastated by human trafficking and sexual exploitation. These crimes of violence bring severe trauma and Heart Lifeline Int'l is working with survivors who are building their lives for success and prosperity in all they do...going forward. We believe that years of abuse can be healed, forgotten and that their story can be a testimony of victory over incredible adversity.

The human heart has an amazing capacity to thrive in the deepest darkness and we are bringing hope and love to heal the wounds of the past.

We are providing homes for those in need who have suffered this injustice. Please join us as we provide for these precious lives. 




Specific training regarding the sexual exploitation of minors and adults and labor trafficking must be an ongoing priority for the development of an effective strategy that is successful in ending human trafficking. 

Heart Lifeline Int'l provides human trafficking awareness training in many settings.  We believe that awareness creates a natural boundary against traffickers and those who would use or exploit other people.


Traffickers use deception and fraud to trap people and as we are educated to their tricks and strategies we are armed to resist and avoid their plots and to help others be safe. Heart Lifeline Int'l has provided trainings in remote villages, university classes, children’s dance schools, classrooms, orphanages, government agencies, law enforcement settings, church meetings, community clubs, media outlets, non-governmental organizations and others.

Contact us if we can provide training tailored to your setting.

We Train
We Rescue

Heart Lifeline Int'l is building relationships to bring freedom to children, women and men caught in trafficking in the U.S. and abroad. This includes the work of government, business and community partners on many levels. We can provide training in rescue strategies.

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